New Micro-blogging technique?

With the change in communication, blogging and micro-blogging strategies have been adopted by many businesses and corporation. In this blog post, I am going to focus on company, Microsoft and how they can improve their relationship with consumers by implementing a micro-blogging strategy.With the change of communication of the past couple of years, there has been a shift of power and feedback has become very valuable to a company. This strategy will assist Microsoft to build a company which meets the needs of Microsoft users.


Microsoft’s mission statement:

The Microsoft mission regarding global diversity and inclusion is to create an environment that helps Microsoft capitalize on the diversity of it’s people and the inclusion of ideas and solutions to meet the needs of it’s increasingly global and diverse customer base.

The Web 2.0 tool, allows companies to sign up and receive useful feedback and suggestions from their users. There are many benefits to getsatisfaction as it provides a platform for consumers to directly communicate with the company with useful feedback and ideas. The web 2.0 tool adopts a micro-blogging technique which specifically outlines the problem. However, unlike other micro-blogging platforms (twitter), it is not restricted to 140 characters.
The social media tool allows consumers to

  • provide feedback
  • suggest ideas
  • outline problems

Monica Semergiu, the Stumbleupon Community Manager highly praises

We’ve always had a private helpdesk software where we handle one on one support. But this public space makes it easier for our users to help each other. It saves time that we would spend answering repetitive questions.

Microsoft also uses getsatisfaction to receive feedback from customers as it allows consumers to have a direct connection with the engineering team. My strategy is to create a space for the members of Microsoft’s community to give feedback and suggestions to Microsoft, similar to the getsatisfaction social media tool. This strategy will take place on Microsoft’s Technet, resources for IT professionals. This not only allows Microsoft to receive feedback from IT professionals but also build a better relationship with them. Communication is key. The main focus of this strategy is for the IT professionals to suggest ideas that IT professionals need. This is similar to an idea bank like which allows anyone to submit ideas and members can rate them. The more popular an idea is, the more likely the Microsoft team will review it. This rating system is similar to as it provides it’s own filter. Having such micro-blogging tool available for IT professionals allows Microsoft to improve their company and meet the needs of their users.

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